- ALTALINK: Geotechnical Site Investigation
- ALTALINK: Geotechnical Site Investigation

- Overview
In 2018/19 ZALIG completed a geotechnical site investigation & report for a proposed Altalink Towers at Amaco Empress, Ware Junction, Miniburn and Hairy hill. Work was completed in an energized substation which required the supervision of a qualified ALTALINK fieldwork representative in order to monitor safe limits of approach.
This project was carried out at Altalink/AWSS Towers (Amaco Empress, Ware Junction, Miniburn County and Hairy Hill, Alberta.
- Project Goal
The purpose of the site investigation was to address the following scope of work:
- Ground surface elevation at each borehole location
- Obtaining soil samples (as per ASTM D1587) at 0.75 m interval
- Pocket penetrometers readings on soil samples
- Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) at 1.5 m intervals
- Groundwater and sloughing level at completion of field drilling
- Installation of standpipe piezometer to monitor the stabilized groundwater level
- Laboratory testing to permit the development of geotechnical design parameters
- Development of design parameters of earthwork
- Recommendations for cement type in concrete
- Results
- On-site drilling of five boreholes to depths up to 15m or refusal were performed.
Laboratory materials testing included:
- Moisture Content ASTM D2216
- Consolidation Test ASTM D2435-90
- Sulphate Analysis ASTM C1580
- Atterberg Limits ASTM D4318
- Project Details:
Client: | Jim Wanamaker |
Date: | Oct 17, 2019 |
Duration: | 3 Months |
Location: | Amaco Empress, Ware Juction, Alberta |
Category: | Geotechnical Engineering |
Status: | Completed |
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