ZALIG: Your go-to solution provider for geotechnical, environmental, material testing, and survey services across diverse industrial sectors.

Mid-Level & Senior-Level



We are always on the lookout for talented, passionate, and hardworking people to join our team. We offer valuable opportunities for the people who work for us to grow and achieve their career goals. Our career offerings are in geotechnical engineering, environmental consulting and engineering, materials testing, and topography survey. As a team, we work towards helping each other grow and thrive while appreciating individual hard work at every turn. We strive to stay committed to our culture of fairness and inclusion that welcomes diversity in every aspect of our business.

At ZALIG, we understand that to grow as a business and provide the quality service we promise our clients; we need a professional and highly motivated team to back us up. For this reason, we provide opportunities for our people to grow along with our business; we will train and retrain you so that you remain current with the industry's latest practices. We also provide work incentives and benefits to keep you motivated and excited about working with a group that cares about your career growth.

The people who work for us are the best of the best and include expert engineers, geologists, environmental specialists, biologists, technicians, and administrative personnel. Each ZALIG staff shares our commitment to providing outstanding service to our clients. Every project team employs our strategy that is characterized by cost-effectiveness and a client satisfaction approach to engineering. Our professionals understand the importance of their work and take their obligations seriously. We look forward to working with you to provide the ideal combination of professional integrity and geotechnical expertise.